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zombies animated Monster for sidescroll,platformer games.

Every zombie has idle,walk,attack,skill motions.

Zombies excluding King Zombie are 6 frames per motion and 128 pixels in size.

King zombie's idle is 12 frame , walk 6 frame  , attack 6 frame , skill 6 frame

King zombie's sprite is 256*256 size

normal zombie 3 types

  1. normal
  2. red color
  3. mummy

heavy zombie 4 types

  1. normal
  2. red color
  3. doctor
  4. red color doctor

strong zombie 2types

  1. normal
  2. red color

king zombie 2types

  1. normal
  2. red color

Sprite dimension:  128x128 px. 

king zombie's Sprite dimension: 256x256 px.

You can use this asset for personal and commercial purpose,

You can modify this object to your needs

You can not redistribute or resell it.

Credit is not required but would be appreciated


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